I am with Evy,

We need more time before weighing in on conscript votes; as well as knights need a "cooling off" period so that there is increased stability in our ranks.

Indeed - we can "kind" of support that now, just by looking conscription date and saying "well this is too-soon to tell" and wait until next round of application to vote. But once a Knight is in, it takes a formal complaint to revoke status. I am not saying that is a BAD thing, it is just "too easy" to become a knight and there isn't much control after that is done. Just as factions need stability in their officers; our community needs additional stability in our membership.

Honestly, I am not sure what is to be gained by having an "open" faction vs. "closed"; maybe there should not even be an option. I thought the whole point was to allow for us to openly recruit and allow non-KGB knights to be in the (open) Faction, and decide on if they wanted to be a Knight instead of becoming a Knight IN ORDER to join the (closed) Faction. If there IS an official Faction and you ARE KGB.. then you should join it - there shouldn't really BE an option to NOT join it. Just my thoughts anyway; hope they are helpful.


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers