I expressed my attitude that I was disappointed to say the least. I would not, however, argue with that vote of the guild as a whole. I chose to stay on Ollo for a couple reasons. 1) all my land and a TON of things I worked hard for are here and I do not have enough room, or are willing to spend more money, moving about 6 toons total ( for xylia and myself ) to get our stuff moved. 2) Ollo will have a massive, albeit very slow, void left once disaster goes to nazar in 3 weeks time. Volume was, by far and large, inactive and filled with to many toxic people in leadership ( or sucking on leaderships wang ) to make them a viable ally, which is why I left. I had, and most likely, will continue to have allot of fun with KGB in the future but that's not in AA at this time or near future. I instead opted to take the nice people from volume that are burnt out on raiding and make a new guild on the east faction for the time being. We feel as though this is the best thing for us as a bulk to do. I don't want to raid at ALL currently. I went to raids the last 6 months out of a guilty feeling to help my friends, guild, and alliance. To me personally this is a new lease on the game as I have been extremely hard core for 18 months. I want a slow ass server to work on 5man, 10man and run my carebear packs. My life is busy right now and will be for a bit again so while I will gladly remain a member of the community I just cant transfer. I would however like to have romeos message me as to what took place with Aeo. Allot of people want answers as to what he did or didn't do and allot of people lost allot of gold from his " leadership ". Fiery has lost well over 2million gold from " leaders" to date so its no wonder allot of people are jaded and burnt out right now, I plan to lead them. If KGB comes back to Ollo I will work that out to the benefit of all but until them I will miss allot of you, pretty much most, and wish you all a good time on nazar.