Ok so I'm not sure if this is a desired place to put this but I thought it maybe worth it. Please if you are angry just read and do not post but like when voting I think having a place to have your say is good. I know it would have been good to have more discussion about this or even discussed here so if this is too late or unwanted please delete the thread for me.

Can anyone who has contact with anyone who may benefit from reading this please let them know?

I will try to be as factual as I can and please remember my personal opinions are mine, I don't want arguments. I feel that I can read between some lines but I believe in most people being upfront.

First I am following the guild to nazar, I have kept most of my ollo lands so I will still be there as well. I am torn to be leaving ollo but maybe starting again will be good. There are most of us who have taken breaks/quit. All I ask is that people don't make more quick decisions than required.

There are some people that have blurred some details or made excuses about the weekend. Please do not do this, it causes extra unneccessary stress to others.

Ok first this move was not planned, there was the odd comment thrown out there that if disaster came with excess numbers and toxicity that we would just leave. Some may have thought they wouldn't come, many hoped that we could fight. but we had not planned a confirmed move.

I personally would have fought but the officers (romes, donk,placated and bandit sorry if I missed anyone) met only after we lost our scrolls and disaster transferred. When they came in there were no fights just 30+ toxic, visious and personal attacks in romes' mail within 30 mins. A head count was taken for siege, we only had prob 30 who could attend. They met and everyone waited for hours while they discussed. When they came down it was explained that a lot of the leadership was not finding the game fun for a variety of reasons (paperwork, can't do anything else etc). Also most members by this time were not enjoying toxic chat and perma camping from disaster. It was conveyed in such a way I think that most of us can understand the resaoning even if we didn't like it.

The leadership said they want to transfer and explained why. It is a tactical retreat to regroup and be competitive. We have become bored, complacent and not enjoying as it is a game I mean a lot of events were taken for granted and attendance was dwindling. I'm sure there are other reasons and members present were able to have their say although I'm sure most of us will have some level of trouble transferring either land, stuff, finances etc. We were asked to mail any issues or speak up (whichever you were comfortable with) to Romeos before the decision was agreed upon. everyone is free to follow or not and romes will help out a little if you absolutely need it (acutally most members will just ask if you really need it). then romes went to detroy the castle but had a bunch or disaster following him constantly. we engaged disaster in a fight as a distraction...this is the fight people are saying we lost...and we did lose but the objective was completed. i think that the ability to chose to dissolve things was the chosen path. whether or not individuals agreed 100% this is why we have our structure.

I personally shed tears over it but as hard as it is for me, I'm not being personally harassed. I hate the split and anger and will miss people who stay.

But this is a chance for some to also start again or reinvigorate the game and it is afterall a game.

We are going pirate to accomodate the east characters and we are on nazar. Nazar and kraken and morph were the suggested destinations. Morph and kraken are on our ah so finances would be easier however they are small scale pvp and we would probably rival the top guilds quickly. Personally they would be easier but then we would be back to the same thing we are now. Nazar presented more population more pvp and being a small fish however there are friendships there for romes to explain and definitely unity for when disaster come to nazar, which we know they will.

This is some info to help those to make informed choices.
Being pirate has challenges so people need to be aware of this with their choice, that being said I didn't want to go pirate the first time (dysfunctional) but I actually had a blast. Neutral guards are liars and are not neutral, getting around mainland is rough. At least one alt is required to do mainland stuff. I think some trade runs except freedich also will require alts to hand in but I will have to check the traders. Ocean traders and fish stands aren't guarded so fishing and sunken ships are great.
It is also expensive to transfer and keep land etc. taxes are per server so taxes here don't affect taxes there but labour is shared.

I'm thinking of farming gold on ollo from my land/mining, buying apex and selling credits on nazar. Alternatively if all goes well when I bring alts over I can bring gold or if anyone else is coming over, get them to bring it with them for a little bit, maybe even split costs of transfers and bring stuff for a bunch of people.
Land on nazar is expensive and very limited. Azulla and I have purchased a spot in halcy and put a full kit apoc house down for guild use. Tinqu also has land there and a lot of ppl put towers there. we chose halcy as it is only in conflict/war for 6 hrs or so a day...the rest is peace and we can't be hit...but neutral guards suck. We have also acquired some other properties for production for ourselves. don't be afraid of karkasse...there are free 16 spots up there. Think land on ollo about 12 mths ago? 8x8s are available so storage towers rule. We will need to band together more, solo gold trader to freedich with 3 ships won't be possible. Help out people and ask for help as well. That goes for alts and help too.

Back on ollo help each other and if you are undecided just wait a little and see. Start an alt or maybe they will do the account bound stuff one day. I hope we can all be together and all can be well again.