I like the discussion, and the when people actually discuss arguments and view points, what is been done here, different when people begin to discuss religion and politics what can sometimes end in personal attacks(but that is only more inclinable to the republican wing of KGB) <-kidding.

About KGB it's a gaming organization, but it's health and sometimes productive to discuss others subjectives.

All people here are active and played games with KGB members on the last 6 months :)

to Derid, I do not have any arguments to bring or to quote in anymore, what was clear to me, you can correct me if I'm wrong please:

to you there is no problem and to use and explore non-human animals at man's will, that is it. After all they are not humans, they do not possess the qualities to be like humans.

Last edited by Mithus; 03/23/12 12:17 PM.

Animal Ethics: "I tremble for my species when I reflect that god is just." Thomas Jefferson.
[Linked Image from the-kgb.com]