First of all, pigs and cows are not my brothers.

You're all right, they are our brothers, they aren't our equals, they are animals, and animals can be property and like property they can be explored to the bone. You are missing one of the many video speech messages that guy is trying to pass, we are conditioned since child to eat meat, milk and use animals for sport and other uses etc. Moral question is this kind of exploitation valid? Some people think it's not, like the abolicionists in the past that tried to argue about slavery, some people try to argue about our current specism, like many “ism” nazism,sexism.

Second of all, omnivore means eating both.. noone ever argued that humans are straight carnivores but he used the fact that humans have some herbivore traits and lack some traits held by pure carnivores that humans arent omnivores.

It's an argument used by many vegetarians, it's true that you can have almost a health life eating meat and vegetables, even eating only meat we see people living to the old age. But dont get stuck to this argument, you can have a health life without meat or dairy products too. The real question is the moral question of inflict unecessary pain to animals.

Thirdly, I see no justification for abandoning human interest for animal interest where the two collide. Because, pigs are in fact not our brothers. This guy talks like self interest is a bad thing. Its really just a faux moralism. Perhaps he does not have the moral courage to address real problems plaguing humans, or maybe he just hates his fellow man and so spends his life advocating nonhuman interests.

Again, you still trying to justifying saying that animals are not “our brothers”, yes they are inferior to us, so by the logic they can be explored and exploited. Above all meat and dairy products are real problems, earth problems, the amount of land need to feed animals, because we need grains to feed those animals is huge, I know that to have 1kg of meat you need feed 15kg of grains. So from the point of view of problems, eating meat generating a lot of real problems, if the chinese want to eat like americans, you would need 3 planet earths to feed them. The big cause of global warming is not caused by transportation like people think, its caused by all meat,dairy industry that, now we need more soil to plant soy,corn and etc to feed cattle, because it's more 15 times more intensive to feed cattle than to produce the same amount of grains.

Now, dont get me wrong. If someone wants to not eat meat or etc, then by all means. Its your choice what you do, and I have no quarrel with people who live the way they see fit. I have some RL vegan friends.

This is a good sign, like the slavery abolicionists from the past, we know have people that think different, I do not know how many centuries and millennia will take to abolish animal use as a thing to be explored, for example we had human slavery for thousand of years, but know we have good things at our side, now we have freedom, education to all and the means to spread the message like internet.

But people like this, who are willing to perform violence on their fellow man and use force to further his philosophy of anti-humanism just make me sick to me stomach. I have no sympathy for people like this, who would crush the livliehoods of fellow men to satisfy his own desire for self righteousness, especially for such incomprehensible reasons.

I could go on at length, but basically I consider people like this and PETA types in general to simply be self-rationalizing tin-can faux moralist positions for their own self-aggrandizement.

That guy have all my sympathy, I think he's now around 40, he changed from those acts of the beginning to call attention, those acts are almost innocuous, because people will not change their acts based on those thing, what the guys is doing the best is educating people through speachs in colleges and schools. He's doing great educating.. like you said PETA and others organizations do almost nothing to help the cause.

Watch the questions and answers after the speech, is hilarious he talking about PETA and Pamela Anderson Boobs.

Last edited by Mithus; 03/21/12 02:51 AM.

Animal Ethics: "I tremble for my species when I reflect that god is just." Thomas Jefferson.
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