Derid we are not going back again with moral question and the unecessary pain setence and "ism" arguments.

as ism: nazism was irrational for their victims, like sexism was not rational for women, racism was not rational for the slaves, but were perfect to people the perpreted their ideology.

What I see is that Descartes ideology should be buried like many people that study animals think today, and they are not vegetarians.

This therefore is the reason for this brief note: draw attention to the recent progress in an area of biology extremely interesting and complex. Bees with emotional states, cows that demonstrate understanding of their social structure, demonstrations of affection in chickens, whales that give names to each other ... The last few years have been quite prolific for cognitive ethology, and the trend is that it becomes increasingly robust and increasingly important. That, just as Galileo and his telescope, the cognitive ethology show that an argument from authority can not override the facts and scientific analysis.

When Darwin published "Origin," began the slow but inevitable death of this concept is detrimental to the scala naturae. Likewise, I hope that the maturation of cognitive ethology begin the slow death of this nonsense Cartesian, primarily in academia, and then in society as a whole.

Last edited by Mithus; 03/22/12 06:41 PM.

Animal Ethics: "I tremble for my species when I reflect that god is just." Thomas Jefferson.
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