The "shutdown" was just a partial slim-down, the whole "shutdown" crap is all hyperbole.

Debts and previously projected spending are different things.

USA has plenty of income to pay actual debts from revenue. Not raising ceiling would have been a less-than-catastrophic forcing of reduction of Fedgov not anarchy by any stretch. Without raising ceiling, FedGov still has a couple Trillion a year (forget exact number off top of head its over 2T though) of revenue to play with. Which is in no way shape or form arguable as a state of no-govt anarchy.

Tea Party however was willing to acquiesce to raising debt limit and full govt for a 1 year delay in the enforcement of the most regressive tax ever passed.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)