Originally Posted By: Derid
Huh? Too many great leaps there. Does not follow at all.

You are projecting.

Congress is supposed to set spending. Its not an expanded power, its what they are supposed to do.

Only if you define spending as EVERYTHING. Spending is, given Priority A or B and X$, what share of money do I allocate? This is also called budgeting. Spending isn't - we chose to effectively repeal law of the land by setting spending to zero. Defund ACA first, then EPA, then Food Stamps, then we have Congress with absolute power.

So Obama beat a guy who made some unrelated unpopular comments who wanted to quadruple military spending and maintain the police state. So what? You keep going on about Obama being re-elected. As if thats some kind of mandate.

If you don't like democratic process and consequences of thereof, you are very welcome to move to Somalia.

Saying that a President should get whatever he wants because he was elected...

False equivalence and red herring. President doesn't get whatever he wants, and has negotiated a lot of concessions with GOP. Exactly opposite is true - Congress majority decided that they are entitled to get whatever they want (repeal law of the land) despite not having the votes for it.

Obama may want to be a strongman, and I am constantly flabbergasted by your support of such.

Above is a tin-foiled idiocy and hyperbola. Turn off your FOX NEWS.

The reason the House initiates spending was quite intentional, and meant as a check on govt.

Correct. This never meant to be backseat driving on legislative agenda AND retroactive veto for all existing legislature. It could be ACA, it could be Civil Rights Act of 1964 - doesn't matter. Congress doesn't get to decide what is law of the land is going to be outside of passing legislature by both chambers and getting it signed by president process.

The House being closest to the people holding the purse strings was quite deliberate.

"Closest to the people" is shallow argument in this case.

More Popular Than Congress

Jury Duty
Wall Street
Toenail Fungus

As I noted before, when you try to make Constitutional or structural govt arguments against someone who went off the deep end after inhaling too many toxic fumes at the right wing fever swamp and lost all pretense to objectivity and tenuous grasp on reality you just end up talking to a wall.


Heres another news flash... Obamacare isnt popular. Its deeply unpopular.

With conservatives that funneled SuperPAC sized money into FUDing the issue? Obviously, preaching to the choir worked, but rest of the country... not so much.

How unpopular or popular is Obamacare?

CNN, CNBC in separate polling show 59 — the same number in both polls — 59 percent of the American people support Obamacare, and even a larger number of people think the government shutdown is the worst idea that ever came along

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