Originally Posted By: Sini
Please, after you continuously pushing argument that GOP that controls ONE out of TWO legislative chambers and not even by popular vote and has a democratic president is perfectly fine to DICTATE LEGISLATURE by threatening function of the government AND credit and faith of US... you are not the one to talk about "how a Republic is suppose to work".

In your tra-la-la land anything is possible. Meanwhile in US GOP is grossly abusing the process and attempting to expand power of congress by declaration. Remember all these rants you wrote about Obama expanding power of The Oval Office? Well, now you exposed yourself for a hypocritical partisan hack by unquestionably supporting these shenanigans.

Huh? Too many great leaps there. Does not follow at all. Congress is supposed to set spending. Its not an expanded power, its what they are supposed to do.

Modern political optics make it seem as though a President should dictate.. but thats not the case. So Obama beat a guy who made some unrelated unpopular comments who wanted to quadruple military spending and maintain the police state. So what?

You keep going on about Obama being re-elected. As if thats some kind of mandate. Its not. There is a lot more that goes into a Presidential election than any one issue. Saying that a President should get whatever he wants because he was elected... thats like how Banana Republics and African countries' politics work. Ones that are ruled by strongmen, not strong institutions.

Obama may want to be a strongman, and I am constantly flabbergasted by your support of such.

The reason the House initiates spending was quite intentional, and meant as a check on govt. The House being closest to the people holding the purse strings was quite deliberate. As I noted before, when you try to make Constitutional or structural govt arguments against someone like myself who is well versed in these topics you just end up looking foolish.

Heres another news flash... Obamacare isnt popular. Its deeply unpopular. The fact is people were so busy reacting against Bush that Dems had a window to railroad the country. The Dems didnt have a majority of three branches at the time because people wanted Obamacare. People were just reacting to the mistakes of the GOP. After Obamacare the Dems lost the House. They still lost the House in the last election.

Despite Obama being favored over Romney, the country still does not want Obama and the Dems to have a blank check to do whatever the hell they want unopposed. The country also does not want Obamacare. There is only one partisan hack here, and its the guy who wants Shadowbane Launch health care system at all costs, based on really poorly constructed arguments.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)