I think thats about the most silliness I have ever seen in one post. Your thinking just does not follow any acknowledged train of logic.

I mean really, I point out that there are many factors that go into a Presidential election and Obamas reelection does not equate to an Obamacare popular mandate... and you cry "Somalia" again.

That 59 percent quote about Obamacare was 59 percent of that particular push poll (also check the wording) would have preferred not to shut govt down to kill Obamacare. But also note that the poll itself is not mentioned in the article. Only the QUOTE FROM HARRY REID was mentioned. Again, THE QUOTE FROM HARRY REID.


See actual polls... like the USA Today poll actually linked in article:

"OK, but most unpopular law in the history of the United States? A recent USA Today poll shows that 42 percent of Americans approve of the law, while 53 percent disapprove of it."

You should really take your blinders off. I know siding with Dems against "Tea Party" really fits into your social and self image. But it is extremely counter productive from any objective angle.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)