I think your are having some issues with facts. House is under no obligation to fund anything. Its not a repeal, its simply not funding.

Your talk about budget vs continuing res is splitting syntactic hairs, and meaningless in this context.

You incorrectly invoked epistemic closure. Rather, the only way you can possibly think House should be under any obligation to fund anything... is if you simply believe that the Word of Obama is the only thing that matters. You make defying Obamas wishes sound akin to defying God, which is silly.

Your claiming what the Founders wanted.. honestly makes me sick to my stomach. Madison himself wrote inn the Federalist Papers that the purse strings were the ultimate recourse for reigning in gov't action. I recommend not trying to pass of BS about Founders or Constitution to someone who actually knows something about either. Just looks silly.

GOP has a MAJORITY of the House, which is closest to the people. Again, all this talk about "majority governance blah blah" is ridiculous. Dems unilaterally pushed through this monstrosity despite GOP and a bit more than half the country saying they would continue to fight tooth and nail. Well, Dems lost the House and... surprise... the opposition continues to oppose.

Pass something that doesnt lose you control of Congress and earn the animosity of half the country next time. Boo hoo.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)