I wanted to again thank everyone for their comments. Right now in our MEMBERS ONLY forum, we are hashing out our rules of engagement. At this point it is an open discussion. All members have a say, the debate continues. Once we all generally can live with what we come up with, I will present the finished document to the KGB Senate for final approval.

At that point, I will add it to the KGB Constitution.

Here is what we have so far. Again, this is in draft form and the discussions continue:

In review, here is what we have so far (This is starting to come together):


A FRIENDS list will be established and friends given access to the KGB ALLIES FORUM here at the Oracle. Both Federal and Faction governments would keep posted (Using the KGB Wiki) an accurate and updated list at all times. Anyone on the Friends list may NEVER be attacked without specific permission from the FACTION or FEDERAL GOVERNMENT


If an individual is not an ally, assume he/she is a threat. You may engage first--the highest ranking officer present at the scene at the time will make that decision. However, above all act honorably. No griefing, trash talking. Conversations are fine, but represent the honor of the guild well in both deed and in word.


KGB engages in corpse camping only as retaliation for camping KGB members or allies. The ranking officer at the scene must announce to the corpse, "KGB engages in corpse camping only as punishment for corpse camping our membership. You have assisted and or committed this offense against our Guild or allies, therefore you are being punished. Please log out".
The act of corpse camping is camping a dead player and killing them again and again when they clearly have no chance to defend themselves.

Again I would appreciate all of your opinions regarding this draft. Thank you again and Happy Holidays!

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com][Linked Image from oracle.the-kgb.com]
Star Citizen Hanger:
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