Well first of all to friends and foes alike. Happy Holidays and best wishes in the New Year!

MEMBERS: There is a heated discussion in the new AOC Members section regarding RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. KGB has a reputation to keep, but AOC is a different world. We have to adapt, but not lose who we are in the process. I hope each of you will take the time to get involved and voice your opinion.

FRIENDS: we would like to hear from you on this subject also. In a OPEN PVP and FULL LOOT server, how do we keep our values from making us the suckers in every engagement. We need RULES OF ENGAGEMENT that take that into account, but yet dont make us mindless RPKs.

The decisions we are making in the next few weeks are going to change KGB forever. Make sure, being a Citizen, Friend, or even Foe, that you get your opinion heard.

I look forward to hearing from all of you, and I know I speak for all when I say, ALL THE BEST this Holiday Season!

This thread now includes our latest draft of a new rules of engagement. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR INPUT! We are taking all this into account as we change the rules to adapt KGB to modern gaming PVP. Please chime in and help us do it right!

Last edited by JetStar; 12/23/07 02:57 PM.