Glad to that for once in my lifetime I was able to contribute in a positive way.

One thing that's been nagging at me is guild participation on the epic level. What I mean is guilds these days seem to be soft on their membership, and what responsibilities those members have to the guild quite often times gets overlooked. If the guild is giving you a place to talk (Vent or TS), providing a website, forums, fellowship/friendships, interesting debates, news gaming or otherwise, awards, respect, titles, and reputation then how are you going to repay that as a member? Remember just because a person might have joined when the guild was in some other crappy game doesn't mean his or her responsibilities to the guild ended there. Quite often times players get too comfortable once they have been accepted, and start going against the grain and doing their own thing. This isn't as much of a problem when times are tough, and there isn't anything worth playing, that's understandable. Although when a game does finally hit will the same people be ready to serve? Would they sacrifice what they are currently into to go off and play a game they know nothing about because the guild needs them? Would you let go of your gaming happiness to join KGB out of responsibility to the guild in a game you may or may not like? This is a fundimental question before every gamer, and each must answer it honestly and be prepared to take a back seat if they cant.

I hear it already, this is not a military, or hey this is supposed to be fun etc etc. But realistically this IS a military in concept, and functionally a guild should work with one mind, one purpose. Factions are all well and good but Jet you know that a significant presence is required of any game let alone AoC. The soft bleeding heart approach to guild organization often times fails and has repercussions on the entire guild and it's reputation.

I realize that game requirements are hard on some, others don't have the time requirements of a new game, and still others might find the game not to their liking. I count myself amoung some of those so before anyone freaks out I totally sympathize with you, but keep in mind its a guild wide effort that counts in any game. Certain games might require more of a tough love approach mandating a royal decree of full participation or a probationary staus change.

It takes an entire guild to be winners, the only thing I learned from shadowbane was either your in full or you might as well pack your bags because dead weight doesn't help your guild in the long run. I was most certainly, at the time, considered dead weight but I could see my mates winning because I wasn't draining any resources outside of the game by conducting distracting personal agendas.

I guess plainly put overwhelming numbers, massive support and logistics, good intel, a powerful army, awesome organization, and highly specialized individuals is what will be needed to succeed. This will require the bulk of the guild with a highly motivated, dedicated, and responsible attitude. Are all your guild members ready to enter a game together as one nation for one purpose or are you going to keep kicking around UO and Vanguard? I could definately see waiting to see how well any of the next gen games that come out handle before making any guild wide changes or general orders. There is pleanty of time without a doubt.

I know it was preachy, sorry guys, I also know its a tad mean.

Last edited by Drakiis; 12/28/07 12:45 AM.

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
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