Originally Posted By: Tamlin

Even though other members of KGB attacked me in a PvP contest, I don't wish to hold that against them.

I wouldn't feel right if they were removed from the KGB due to attacking a fellow KGB member in a game without a faction.

To be honest I had no idea you had left Lethality prior to the node war happening and as far as I know, I never attacked you, but I was repeatedly killed by you as soon as I spawned at our base. Which completely had me confused since I couldn't understand how it was possible for a member to kill another member within the same guild.
As soon as the war was over , I quickly went to check the guild roster and asked the Lethality officers if Tam-Lin had left and they replied with : He left a few days ago when we asked him to change channels because he was getting attacked.

Lethality had an agreement with PRX , that they would stay off said channel in order to avoid conflicts between the guilds.

I never had a chance to attack, since our base was completely flooded with opposing players. I would rezz at our base, cast heals and die in that order, so getting killed and having your name show up most of the time really tossed me for a loop.

That said I don't hold it against you, it was a node war you were on the opposing side. Just wish you would have said something to any of the KBG members that play BDO so we could have opted to remove ourselves from the war to avoid all this drama.

Either way at least now I am aware of the status and I will not PVP against a KGB member in any game.