The Senate has not yet met concerning this matter, but instead, the High King has contacted me, and this is his will.

According to The KGB Bill of Rights and Code of conduct.

General Order 2: "Thou shalt swear faith to no other nation but KGB”


In worlds where the KGB does not have an OFFICIAL FACTION presence, your affiliation with other organizations must remain anonymous and not be in conflict with KGB (for instance, you are a member of the XXX organization in a game called Kill Everyone Online, and the KGB is a foe of XXX in another world). If KGB leadership determines there is a conflict of interest, then you would be asked to either leave the other organization, or renounce your KGB citizenship. In worlds that KGB has or had an OFFICIAL FACTION or had a presence, the (GM10) High King / High Queen or (GM5) King / Queen may declare a OFFICIAL FACTION to be OPEN. This releases KGB citizens from the normal requirements of General Order 2 in that game / server, even though there is a KGB presence in that territory. This means that a KGB citizen may be a member of another guild in that region that has been declared OPEN, subject to the following restrictions:
  • You may never intentionally attack or assist in any nonconsensual attack against any citizen of KGB or KGB Organization at any time.
  • You may never use KGB resources (Web, Voice Communications, etc) against the KGB or any KGB member at any time. Such actions will be considered treason and dealt with per the KGB constitution.
  • KGB members that have affiliations with other organizations would be barred from holding any leadership position within KGB and could advance only to the rank of Knight. You must forfeit any leadership achieved at the time you join another organization. At any time, you may decide to give up those affiliations and become eligible for leadership and military advancement.

Participation in a BDO node war does NOT mean that the combat is consensual. If you take the field in opposition to another KGB Knight, and engage in combat, you are in violation of the Law.

Given the confusion concerning the Law, no charges will be brought, but future violations WILL BE PROSECUTED.

To avoid future violations, all KGB Knights should strongly consider uniting under a single banner. In this instance, that order is the banner of Lethality until such time High Chancellor Taxman orders differently. If you cannot, you should never take the field against that banner, or you risk violating the Law.

In this instance, I would consider General Order 3.

General Order 3: "I will obey the lawful orders of those in leadership positions."

To Tamlin and any other KGB Knight on Black Desert Online currently not under Lethality banner, where do your priorities lie? Is your standing in the Leader Boards more important than your obligation and Oath to the KGB Nation?

Does your standing in the Leader Board have to be made over the bodies of KGB Knights?

To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council