
These are the requirements copied directly from Lethality's website:

Level & AP/DP
1. Level 55+
2. 280 AP/DP Combined
3. If you're Under 55 you have 1 week to hit 55 when invited.​
Player Activity
We are looking for players who are Semi Hardcore, and play 20+ hours a week.​
Play Times
Our Main Playtime hours are 7:00 pm EST too 1:00 am EST​
Guild Goals
1. Node Wars
2. Castle Sieges​
Anti PK Guild
We don't PK randomly, If you're caught causing trouble with other guilds, by randomly PK'ing players than you will be removed. The only time you should forcefully slaughter anyone is after you ask them to leave your farming spot.​
Guild Quests
We have Guild Quest Divisions, you are required to do the Guild Quests on your day. If you're a floater you need to do them when you are on, and they are up. If you miss your day, you should do the next days. During the Weekend We will do Crafting/Gathering Quests that anyone can do. These are easy to do with alts.​
Weekly Contribution
Goal = 5,000 a Week​
Call To Arms
If a Call to Arms is called, if you are not currently in a Grind or Scroll Group, you should help out with the Call to Arms, and defend Lethality in PvP. Only The Officers and PvP Officers may call a Call to Arms.

Their "casual" friendly guild, while more lenient, still has pretty strict rules:
At least 12 hours a week + 3000 contribution weekly.

When I played, contribution was very hard for me to get- because of my akward play schedule, makes that guild pretty much a no go off the get go.

Furthermore, when we started BDO (was roughly 45 people at the start) it became very clear that most of the guild, 2/3's or more even wanted to approach the game in a very casual, "second game" fashion. At the same time, there was a smaller minority who wanted a strong hardcore, more pvp centralized game. That minority ended up being more vocal, and really drove several people away (plus typical game burn).

Like I said, alot of miscommuntication all around, not trying to pick fights here- but there are two sides of any arguments here.

I fully back Jet's stance there should be no tolerance to non-consensual pvp, but at the same time- there needs to be a little more understanding for those who aren't in Lethality.

Right now it is very one sided, and there are several questions that should be answered and looked at going forward, not only to resolve this issue- but to prevent it from happening again in the future. Some questions like: how many kgb knights are currently in Lethality? How many knights are still active overall in BDO? What constitutes a faction after mass exodus? Should there be a minimum number of knights required to keep an official faction?

That last question is something I'd really like to see the senate explore, and intend make a formal proposal to the senate in the near future.