Originally Posted By: Cheerio

Are you able to answer a direct question or not?

Then ask me direct question instead of "Have you stopped beating your mother for the day?" smear-baits.

In answer to your question; both of those groups have values well within the normal range of typical progessives, ie not extreme

I don't think you are equipped to make a distinction from your ultra-right position. From your point of view, and you admitted as much, centrists positions are "liberal agenda".

"progressive tax" - was always the case, look at historical picture and you will see top tax bracket averages much, much higher than what it is now. Its only after cult of "trickle down" was born that we started dismantling progressive taxation, immediately wealth accumulation at the top shot through the roof and everyone else is poorer as a result.

"abortion on demand" - its called woman's rights. Roe v. Wade was settled during 70s, 40 years later and this issue is under attack again due to bible thumpers hijacking conservative movement. Plus for all your "small government" folks - why should the government/church participate in private citizens reproductive activities?

"yearly deficits of almost 50%" - look at your own bedfellows, how much of that deficit wasted in Iraq or unwarranted tax cuts for the rich?

"enormous expansion of the welfare state" - this has nothing to do with aging and retiring baby boomers, hasn't it?

"amnesty for illegals" - That was Ronald Reagan. Plus this country was built by "illegals", otherwise it would still be Tribal Indian territory.

"gays in the military" - another evangelical extreme right issue, everyone else doesn't care ether way as long as it stays behind closed doors.

"gigantic increase in scope and size of all regulation" - yes like repeal of Glass–Steagall Act that allowed banks to engage in reckless gambling with other people's money and caused financial meltdown.

"near total shutdown in development of new energy" - ??? If anything, exactly opposite is true - Progressive are trying to push alternative energy and diversification from oil. You mean more risky deep water drilling, like in Gulf?

"massive expansion of government in medical, educational, and financial fields" - I will give you educational, everything else just not there.

So out of NINE points, you have ONE THIRD of a point. Plus two points (military gays, abortions) exemplify radicalization of what left of conservative movement.

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