Oh it was real. Still is to an extend... the next few months will show to exactly what extend. Its really very local, and actually kind of complicated. There are many, many Tea Parties.. though there are a handful of web presences.

Also, there are two Kochs - Charles Koch is actually pretty Libertarian, even ran as LP VP once.

I disagree about maintaining tax cuts for the rich being political suicide.

However, that being said. After extending tax cuts for the rich, if the GOP lets the payroll tax cut on the rest of us expire - then we will see how real the TP is. Saying spending should be cut instead of raising taxes on anyone is one thing. Saying keeping low taxes on the wealthy, but raising taxes on the rest of us because we "need the revenue"... if that happens, we will see how real the Tea Party truly is.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)