In other words they were making lots of it up as they went along. They also challenged the conclusions.Which, is what I challenged.

Politifact: "It takes a careful selection of years (and not even a full decade at that), and a number of assumptions about income for Obama's statistic to hold up. We rate the president's claim Half True."

I didnt dismiss your opinion because it was close to Obamas, I simply realized that the reason you have a hard time thinking things through is because you apparently never thought about anything in the first place - just repeated a talking point.

Your theory on progressive taxation honestly reminds me of the South Park underpants gnomes.

Step one: crush any family who makes over 100k

Step two: ??????

Step three: get an equal society

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)