I agree with Jet. But, not in the way you think. I think it's time we quit subusdizing the defense of Europe. Thats why they can afford all the health care plans and pensions pans they enjoy because they don't have to spend as much on defense because we're there.
Second we should require that a company that wants to sell products in the US should be required to produce a certian percent of that product here. (bring back jobs and tax revenue). Other countries including the one where almost everything in America is made, China, have those laws.
I also think the space program should have been turned over to private business a long time ago(i.e. NASA). Think how much money that we could save. Who benefits from it anyway, well we all do in the end, but, who makes a profit off it, not you and I.
If you did these three things you would increase revenue and decrease spending enough to have such a huge surplus that we could reinvest in America's future and educate people provide healthcare that works and put people back to work. Damn am I starting to sound like a liberal. Well I'm not, just somethings just make good sense