Originally Posted By: JetStar

You should read more on Who before you judge them on one sentence. They are a 62 year old highly respected organization.

I have read plenty about the org in the past. What I looked for in that particular report, as I initially indicated I would, was the criteria used to concoct that ranking.

I am not saying the entire Org itself has never done anything usefull.. but using a report that ranks countries by their Socialization level of Health care as evidence that USA Health care quality and availability ranked below that of other, more heavily Socialized countries was a non-starter.

I mean come on, Colombia having better medical care than the USA?

And Social Security and Medicare... were more or less tolerable, structurally speaking, under the later Clinton years I would say. I am not going to argue for or against relatively minor changes, but as society had come to depend on them, it would be unwise to suddenly remove or alter them in any significant fashion.

Also, people have already paid into them. If you paid your medicare/SS taxes all your life you certainly have a valid claim to reap the return.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)