Originally Posted By: Jet
Its amazing that smart people like you guys believe in this plain bullshit. Just Fox saying things over and over does not make them true. Take WMD and Bush, or Saddam and Osama's supposed ties. Its all lies and your guys blindly believe it.
The most frustrating thing is that you all would support policies that make YOUR lives worse, supporting the greed in corporate America that the conservative right represents. I mean take the $200 million a day they claimed that the latest Presidential trip took, or the 135 ship escort. I cant believe anyone is stupid enough to buy that bill of goods. There are countless well documented examples of this kind of shit, here are a couple:

Just a couple of things:
1. Saddam did indeed have WMD.. he even used them on his own people (the Kurds during their rebellion), not to mention the Iranians. Look it up.. he gassed and killed over a million people.

2. Saddam and Osama.. I know there were Bush/Osama ties, but not positive about Saddam. It is logical that they might have hooked up after the WTC incident and the subsequent invasion of Iraq. "My enemies enemy is my friend after all"

3. The Obama vacation costs.. Just to be clear: Nobody knows how much all that shit is costing us, but based on the number of planes, helicopters, hundreds of staff members (not to mention 500+ security agents), and the fact that they are paying people to remove coconuts from the goddamned trees so dear leader doesnt have one fall on his head, it is costing way too much. Excessive is the understatement of the decade. For a guy who is always talking about the American people needing to "tighten our belts" or how those of us who work hard "can afford to pay a little more", the bastard sure is living high on the hog, and using my money to do it.

Based on what I see you saying, if there was an Osama/Saddam connection, it would have been legitimate to go after one or the other. Ok, so what about the Obama/Ayers connection? One organized a bombing campaign that killed dozens of civilians, while the other is quite vocal about how fucked up we are as a country. Sounds remarkably similar.. Why the double standard, Jet?

To touch on your comment about us voting to make it worse on ourselves, I dont quite see it that way. If I bust my ass to make more than $250,000 a year, I do not deserve to be hit with a tax $35,000 above and beyond what I would have paid if I made $249,000 a year. Talk about being penalized for productivity. How is voting for a guy who advocates punishment of productivity in my interests? Why in the world would I support those policies?

And thats just the tip of the iceburg... wE could get into healthcare and immigration (and I am sure we will at some point), or foriegn policy (which you would do well to leave alone.. your guy isnt exactly doing so hot there at the moment).

Why you think we should support the policies of those who would destroy us is beyond me.. you seem like such a smart dude (but looks have deceived me before).

Your stance against greed would have been logical if you were in Europe or anywhere else that has an aristocracy, or an elite class that acquires its wealth through exploitation of the masses, and where the masses have no ability to cross the class threshold. In America, however, it is entirely possible to CREATE wealth, which is what set us apart from virtually all otehr nations and made this country great. You see, we were the first country in history to have a system that allowed the actual creation of wealth. Before that, the Robber-Barons simply siezed their wealth, which is why the word greed was given such a bad reputation.
Here in America, greed is a virtue rather than a sin, provided you are not a thief. Thieves exist in all cultures, and the for the purposes of this conversation, we will define a thief as "one who takes the unearned from the unwilling"
Working your ass off the generate a customer base and a revenue stream does not quite fit that description now does it?
How about becoming a mega corporation who still sells a product? I dont hear anyone complaining about cheap cereal or toothpaste or the fact that you can buy it all and more in one place (try doing that anywhere else in the world).

No, the only ones I see who fit that description are the ones who seem to consider themselves Americas aristocracy, and allow themselves to forget that we do not actually have one..