Hmm... I have to admit this is a hard take. I'm strugling with two ideas. I was exctatic to find a gaming community that stretched across multiple games, sharing ideals yet being able to talk and have friends/associtates who have nothing to do with your game.

The idea of a mass movement of guild members to a single game.... It makes my naughty bits tingle. (That was made in jest, I hope that's not inapropriate.) The fact that sheer numbers alone all of us working together with a common goal is going to stand out, make people look at us and take notice. For that alone, I'd join up a game the masses choose.

But back to the ability to play the game.... Since the FBI took my gaming rig and my laptop, I'm stuck playing on a crapy Hewlet Packard PoS. Being a little under 6K in debt it's unlikely that I'll be getting a new gaming rig anytime this year (unless I win the lotto ) let alone buy a new game and be able to pay monthly fees...

While my first love of MMOgames is UO and like they say, "you never forget your first", I'll prolly always have an active account of UO running. But, should the ability arise, I would gladly shell out the cash to join a group of people like the KGB members here in a game like Vanguard or Darkfall.

Jacon Clay 3xGM mage voted as "The Worst Red Ever" "I'm okay at PvP... But what I lack in skill, I make up for in Luck" "I love Wisps!" ~ the day 4 wisps killed 3 SL blues chasing my red. The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?