I don't know... what I always liked about the KGB was that it had such wide scope was that someone would always be playing a game you were interested in, and you could play it together. Not necessarily how it is with a lot of other gaming guilds that if you lost interest in the game you pretty much fall out of contact with the entire guild. I don't think we should all descend upon one game/server just to hone our skills, I mean, we're a group with many varied interests, and not all of us might enjoy the game. So what, we're going to force a bunch of people with no interest in say: Vanguard, to dish out $50 plus 15 a month as well as time they may not be able to dedicate to games at the moment just to try our constitution out?

We're in a transition phase between games right now, so we're not playing right now, big deal. We have plenty of members checking the forums and relaying information to other members on a daily basis, and that's good enough for me.

That's just my take on the issue.

I think KGB Citizens should continue to work independently, but if at all possible, it should be encouraged that we play on the same server. Then again I'm trying my hand at Burning Crusade at the moment, but got dragged into a server other than Altar of Storms by some rl friends. I'm considering making a char transfer though, depending on how serious the KGB would be about winning that world-wide PvP tourney. I want to go to a live showdown in Korea o.o

BoS Archon
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