Yeah I agree with that Crim.

Just 2 years since an official faction *is* kind of a long time. Granted, I'm not sure what everyone would play.

Origionally the idea was to have many official factions, I remember back a handfull of years and there were several.

However starting about 3(?) years ago there became an *extreme* resistance to new official factions by KGB Federal leadership. As such, except for WoW, none have been born.

Several potential faction got shot down, even though they had 20-30 KGB already playing. Now in the past months Jet has talked with various groups playing games about factionship but people are now so used to playing as open or loosely affiliated factions that interest in being official has waned.

Not that this is necesarrily all bad, people now look at official factions as something "special" deserving of everyones attention, instead of the old paradigm, where if you were playing a game as a group of KGB it was pretty much expected that you would become an official faction.

But I digress.

Anyhow, I dont think opening a new one and rallying KGB to a random game is a bad thing. Not that I think everyone should or would be required to play, but why not open a faction and start playing it as a full KGB faction just for the sake of playing a game as KGB?

Those not interested can just chill out, and wait for a game they really want to play to come out. I *think* this idea is less about forcing people to do something they dont want to to, and more about Jet wanting to do something official as a guild again.