Freud, like you, turned out to be mostly wrong.

You are improperly conflating things, and do not seem to understand how these things actually work or what is involved.

You dont seem to understand that the "issues" you brought up were dealt with outside the context of what is now known as "NN" , that both the FCC and other govt bodies had the power to put a halt to it without the FCC making additional power grabs.

You should read up on the history of the internet, and find out how it actually works. You might even come to understand why different ISPs link up, and you might even find out its not because some greater power told them to.

I find it funny that you try and make it seem like the FCC is codifying the way the internet always has been, then when I press you on whether they are actually doing just that - you make it seem like a loaded question.

Once again, after displaying your lack of understanding you fall back to "swamp fever" ctrl+v.

Just FYI, once you do that - I know you have at least admitted to yourself that you are probably wrong.

If you really think FCC unilaterally expanding its mandate to regulate the internet in this fashion is preferable to improved infrastructure and evening the playing field with regard to how govt interacts with telecoms and ISPs because a few blogs and Google said so - then so be it.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)