"No we have not established that Net Neutrality will fail in the long or short term"

Um, yeah we have. You get to have your own opinions, but not your own facts - that is a favorite saying of yours is it not?

I fully understand what NN is, and the long term ramifications.

You just do not seem to be comfortable with any solution that does not involve a small group of unaccountable, unelected bureaucrats gaining power to regulate how, who, and what can be communicated over the internet.

If you think NN is not something new, it shows your lack of understanding. Giving govt authority to regulate content via fait accompli is a new and dangerous precedent.

You talk about understanding, but you have never even put forth any evidence that the doom and gloom scenario you are so worried about is imminent. You have ASSERTED it is, but really, theres not much to say doom and gloom was on the way outside a few wild eyed blog posts by various random people.

Even worse is NN tries to pre-empt a non-existing problem. If you want govt regulation via fiat... could always just implement it when it actually was necessary.

Its kind of ironic, that with NN.. the only *REAL* issues have been with cellular wireless. And... NN basically exempts wireless networks. So it does not even target the segment of the market where the real problem exists.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)