Addendum: The answer to any net issues is for the govt to not so blatantly favor a few well-lobbied and DHS-friendly providers. Govt makes it harder for smaller telcos/ISPs to compete, which is the only reason "net neutrality" is even an issue.

The concept of using more govt force/control to "fix" an entirely govt-created problem is what I find so utterly abhorrent.

The whole mindset of "Who cares if this govt action/policy creates huge problems... we can just use that fact later to justify more govt actions/policies!" is itself the root of a great many of our societal issues.

2nd addendum: If you want to talk solutions that are slightly less libertarian I am all for them. Such as govt treating inet more like highways, and building/facilitating equal-access infrastructure across the country - and letting would be ISPs pay usage fee taxes for "offramp access"/backbone access." Provided of course, that it was completely illegal for the govt to tap in, control, or otherwise tamper with the data - which is typically the sticking point. US Govt as it currently stands just cannot be trusted, which is a shame because if it could be there is actually quite a bit of good that could hypothetically be accomplished.

Last edited by Derid; 04/30/13 09:52 AM.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)