Erm, lawl? I am the opposite of utopian. Your line of attack just is not credible. If you think I am about slashing and burning the old system.... you either dont comprehend what I have said, or you do not comprehend the system as it currently stands and thus cannot fit my words to proper context.

That you bring up rural markets reinforces this point. I even came out in favor of some publicly funded infrastructure. But publicly funded infrastructure, and govt micromanaging traffic and content are totally different things.

What I have advocated is simply eliminating govt favoritism and leveling the playing field.

We have already established that NN certainly will fail in the long run - possibly even the short run. It is just a regulatory whack-a-mole that will become co-opted and/or less effective over time.

It takes an extremely illogical mind to advocate for a solution that is both not immediately needed, and known to be ineffective over the long run when effective solutions are available. We would all be better off, if people calculated the downside instead of just going all knee-jerk and advocating for any "solution" presented for any "problem".

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)