If you are ready to pay for Internet toll booths to go to your favorite website then keep believing that.

What happens when Verizon, Comcast, Suddenlink or ATT decide they are only going to let their cronies move traffic on their fiber lines. Sucks for you since 99% of America has a extremely limited choice of providers when it comes to getting internet. If you are lucky you may have 2 options.

Lets say ATT has a huge liberal board of directors...they may decide that if you want to go to FOX NEWS then it will cost you 15c per minute. Hell they may decide to just not let you go there at all.

Lets say Verizon needs more profit on the bottom line...Instead of providing a betetr service to their customer they now have other options. Well guys, Hulu is taking up alot of our backbone. Lets charge them 400 million dollars extra per year to move their traffic on our lines or we will block them. Guess what...your Hulu account now cost 70 dollars per month instead of 7.

I could go on for days with examples of why removing Net Nuetrality laws will be bad for the average internet user.