
DerThat's cool, we're all welcome to have our own opinions. But this is a game and the fastest way to suck the fun out of a game is to have people controlling your actions. If I was a guild in this UGC and was having problems with a neighboring guild and so wanted to war them but couldn't unless I went through all the official channels getting the "ok" from big brother KGB, then i'd up and leave the UGC and say so long suckers, enjoy your bureaucracy.

This is exactly why every alliance we had in WOW was broke very quickly. We never respected others opinions, if we heard something we did not like, there was no problem breaking our alliance. This sucks, because some of us made friends with other guilds, and because one or two people can make decisions without thinking of the guild, but thinking of their big dream of what KGB is.

I thought KGB was about official channels, what are you talking about?