Uhmmm, sorry Raek but the fastest way to ensure the destruction of an alliance, is to have its own individual member guilds wokring at cross-purposes, have different sets of standings, and set their own diplomacy. And why on earth would guild X want to save guild Y's ass when Guild Y set its own diplomacy, started its own little wars, and is getting its own little ass handed to it without taking guild X into any kind of consideration? If I were leading guild X I would tell guild Y to go grasp a clue from somewhere. As would most of long term successfull guilds out there.

Internal promotions and etc are of course different, as well as guild events. That is typically an understood, but then again there should be no reason not to be including your alliance-mates, who are presumably your friends in fun stuff the guild cooks up.

But the whole purpose of an alliance is to have one bloc of standings with the rest of the game, and work TOGETHER to achieve some goals- usually oriented in real pvp games around the control and use of in-game resources.

When it comes to diplomacy, people will also want to know how they stand with the whole alliance.