Not a bad idea. I would say go for it. Of course we will need to make sure KGB as a single Guild still runs as normal. So that there would be little to no problems should the coalition break up, and then we would return to our standard KGB guild.

Basicly be careful not to put to much effort into a coalition and then let things in side the guild begin to slide.

I wonder if maybe a less controled type of alliance will be better. More of a community... then an alliance. You find that any combination of groups who use the same Ventrilo channels and communicate often tend to be friendly to each other. Not because they are forced by some prior alliance agreement, but because they become friends, or atleast friendly.

I would like to see,... maybe not an alliance(or possibly so) but some sort of way to open up communication between "old school" guilds with semi-like-minded members. Starting with just a common forum and common Ventrillo services could easily lead to the most succesful alliance ever seen.

Last edited by Bishop; 09/07/06 10:52 AM.