There are plenty of small guilds out there that are great. Alot of the time they are very tight knit groups of players that perhaps are all friends IRL, work well together or have played previous games together etc etc. Some of these small guilds I would rather have in my alliance than many of the large guilds out there.

I agree with derid... size is not an indicator of power/effectiveness. I've said this in another post and I'll say it again here, I've seen small groups WTFOWN larger groups time and again so can we please stop this GD zerg mentality. Yes there are some MMO's out there that are just a #'s game, well find a way to work around out and use it to your advantage.

Also IMO Raek I wouldn't use KGB as the norm, if they arnt as big as us, if they dont do things our way, etc etc etc. I'm sure we have plenty of room for improvement. Another thing you cant just have guilds in an alliance just running around doing whatever they want. Guild A attacks Guild X and X is friendly to B and A and B are in alliance together. Uniform ideas, enemies and friends.