Which pile-up did I take part in? I just responded in kind, as is my way. I knowingly took part in no pile-up, or pile-on. More lies and delusions from sinij-land it would appear.

To be honest about a recap:

1) We firmly established that you make things up, and your attempts at discussion or assertions do not resemble anything like actual reality.

2) We established that
a) as far as I was aware you never even had a rating, the down-rating I noticed was my own. So I said "lulz" and reciprocated. Turn about.

b) my presumption proved correct, as they usually are. Since you since admitted as much.

c) Incorrect - I have made fun of you for turning into a big topic. You are the one who brought it up, and bellyached about it. What is at issue here is certainly not me complaining about it - its that you keep insisting on the morality of your actions and/or position.

d) Have established that you initiated the downgrading against me. If I recall correctly, I was out of town when it happened and had made two short posts that week mostly bitching about the TSA. So I am not sure what I could have done to warrant it, hence my poking fun at you for trying to act high and mighty.

Also, I enjoy helping dig your hole. If you started acting like a rational person, I would lose interest.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)