No, I hit the issue smack on the face. You just choose not to process anything that you do not wish to hear.

Also, your analogy makes zero sense in this context. A more apt analogy would be - I am sitting in a bar, other people are also sitting in the bar. Some liberal comes in and pours his beer on some other guys, gets punched in the mouth... then complains that I did not stick up for him.

The one-starring campaign... against you? I was aware of no such thing, certainly noone spoke to me about one. Rather, after pointing out your moral failures and hypocrisies - I was the target of the one-starring campaign. So I find your statements in this regard somewhat odd.

I never requested you treat me separately btw, I am not looking for your approval here - I am calling you out on your hypocrisy and lack of reasoning ability. The fact that you would assert that I am responsible for the content of other peoples posts is prima facie evidence of such.

If I post something, feel free to respond to me. Should you respond to me, I will make reasonable efforts to engage in meaningful conversation. If you respond to someone else but make it look like you are responding to me - I will call you out for acting like an idiot. Its really as simple as that.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)