Well, if the govt wanted to provide links to USDA dietary info or something or have fliers with the food stamp cards I wouldnt object. Also, plenty of people with plenty of money still eat really poorly. Theres plenty of expensive food out there that is just as bad for you when over consumed. More food stamp cash is no guarantee for lower health bills later.

But your last point gets to the heart of one of the primary reasons why I absolutely do not like the type of massive Federal health programs that the Fed govt would enforce on the entire population. IE: Its not even social responsibility in many cases, its paying for other peoples poor choices or willful ignorance.

You also might be surprised to know that I vote in favor of all sorts of locally funded and administered programs.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)