Originally Posted By: sinij
I had to use "Find: Organic" to see what you are talking about.

Here it is:

In a food-conscious city such as Seattle, where consumers are willing to pay a premium for all things wild, organic and locally grown, chances are pretty good that you can find and buy healthful food wherever you live.

Please explain how you reached conclusion that this article was talking about buying organic food on food stamps?

Article is talking about "a nutritious diet", they further list foods: "apples, potatoes, bagels, corn flakes, macaroni, canned peaches, ground turkey and other items".

As to "lack of data" claim, while I aknowledge your point, I think you are holding it to unrealistically high standard. You are also ignoring expert opinions of 1) the director of the University of Washington's Center for Public Health Nutrition 2) a fellow with the Congressional Hunger Center in Washington 3) a professor at Tulane University.

- "I believe organic and very fresh or frozen food would be optimum for me, but I have to make compromises because of the money."

Read more: http://www.seattlepi.com/lifestyle/food/...p#ixzz1k0ZdKCLn

And then, there is this gem:

"Being on a set fund, I couldn't eat the way I was used to eating," she said. "I couldn't afford all the good things I used to buy, like lean meats."

She used to buy locally grown grapes, plums and apples when they were in season, but it's rare if she can afford a red pepper at $1 or $2 apiece. These days, she tends to buy frozen dinners when they're on sale at 10 for $10.

Read more: http://www.seattlepi.com/lifestyle/food/...p#ixzz1k0aOPp9q

I know which TV dinners she is talking about, and yeah they are terrible. My question would be, why the flying fuck doesnt she buy a bag of rice or cornmeal, and why is she talking about peppers , which at 1$ are no doubt out of season, and the rainly cloudy Seattle weather is not conducive to growing peppers in the first place. I mean seriously.

Has she ever heard of cooking the fat off? Besides, fat doesnt make you fat - in fact you can get more calories for less cost and less food by using less lean meat. Its not how much volume you eat, its how many calories you intake. If this person took 30 minutes to educate herself, it is readily apparent she could save a lot of money. The fact that the writers of this article use these types of people as examples discredits their ability to make valid judgements on the subject.

Now on to the poor/fat linkage. Using the case of the women previously quoted, do you not think it possible , just a little, that she is pigging out because she has been stressed out?

The fact is, the poor/fat linkage does not withstand even mild critical scrutiny. Its like saying more ice cream is sold on the beach in summer, and more shark attacks occur on the beach in summer - therefore shark attacks are happening because people are selling ice cream.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)