Originally Posted By: Vuldan
BAH..you did not read. Your belief that the world deserves to know will never stack up against even one life of a service member (American or ally) who was put in harms way, regardles of the wrongness or rightness of the governmental cause that put them there. I hope the distinction is clear. It's not about the politics for me, it's about the service men and women. Sorry if that disrupts someone's ideology about right and wrong.

Was there some part of this that was not clear. Or is your point that Americans are no different than those other countries? And what has Rome to do with it. The longest surviving democracy? It was not a socilist government, it was a benevolent republic at times, an absolute dictatorship at others..America has never been the latter.

In terms of this discussion, we were discussing the rightness or wrongness of Manning and Assande, not the political focus of the countries involved. I am confused.

So, what did Manning allegedly leak which put American soldiers in danger? It seems all the shit is about things done 2 or 3 years before the leaks appeared on wikileaks. Not like he gave things about an operation while it was going on.

Now about Assange: sorry but he's not American so not under your country jurisdiction. And the Nobel association is not American also so if you're not happy with whoever they give prize to, well your nation should start one.

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