Originally Posted By: Sini

I might go into more depth later, but the quick answer is simple.

Look at what happened, and is still happening to Bernie.

First, he is gaslighted on the right as extremist Leninist, and the one somehow responsible for nazi-like levels of political correctness permeating some social demographics.

Then watch as Establishment figures on the left just smile and nod at the gaslighting, before starting their own false narrative about Berniebros, and trying to paint Bernie as the Trump of the Left.

Next we get the parade of often random hit pieces from the Establishment. Just look at how frequently Bernie is still getting hammered by certain elements of the press.

When someone threatens the Establishment's gravy train, the knives unceasingly fly out from all directions, until they find their mark.

In the Tea Party's case, its weakness was the fact that it wasn't an actual Party. Anyone could claim a TP mantle, which allowed the Establishment to light up the more idiotic specimens then spread the fire to the whole movement.

Then there was the "can't govern" angle, which also caught on. As if 40 or so House members were responsible for a body of 435 being unable to govern. Which is absurd, but somehow the narrative still stuck that it was 40 principled House members, and not corrupt and incompetent party leadership at fault for the House being unable to function.

I'd also add that the fact that no elements of the left were willing to work with the principled libertarian wing on the TP didn't help either. Wild-eyed gaslighting of Rothbardian straw men played a part in halting libertarian leaning TP momentum, which doubtless pleases many on the left.

Of course, the result of both the Establishment, and what passes for the 'principled' left pushing back against the libertarian strain of the TP has just created Trump. I have to wonder if that is what they were hoping for.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)