Its so strange, because you honestly seem to be projecting yourself on to me. It is kind of creepy how your assertions about me continue to reach new heights of irony.

quick example: Lately I have been channeling Stockman , who opposes most tax cuts during recession. I have given thoughts on taxes before, but it does not matter what I or anyone else says : you hear entirely what you want to hear. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say you have an imagined concept of what other people actually think, and you somehow internalize what they say in a manner that comports to the caricatures you have fixed in your mind. This creates an extremely distorted view of reality, and pretty much guarantees that any assertions you make are grounded in false premise.

If you want to talk about framing problems, what you really mean are premises and assumptions. What you really seem to mean is that you are incapable of identifying and attacking premises you believe to be incorrect. At least you admit to having a coherence problem. But again, this is not even a real problem.. objectively speaking, but rather a result of the distorted view you hold of everyone else.

I have offered this demonstration before - I can channel conservative views without average person being able to tell that I do not share them. At the same time I sincerely doubt that you could fake a convincing liberal for anyone but your fellow right-wingers.

Not sure this merits much of a response, just know I facepalmed exceptionally hard.

The end analysis is that you project an extremely limited, two dimensional view of the world. Anything that does not neatly fit into your mental model gets fit, regardless of whether the geometry of the peg matches the shape of the hole. As a result it does not matter what is said, or what concepts are articulated by others - if they do not match your own, the result will be you shouting "crazy redneck tea party etc" , while ironically talking about how others overuse "poisoning the well".

But as has been and will likely always be, self gratifying rationalizations based on intellectual hubris is what being a Utilitarian is all about.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)