Originally Posted By: Sini
I am not yet sure what will come out of this. Democrats now actually get a shot at capturing the seat.

Fist, Cantor's defeat isn't exactly achievement of 'institutionalized' Tea Party, none of the PAC/organization supported Brat before the upset.

Second, Cantor is far right and as obstructionist as it gets. Only Ted Cruz would be right of him. Just look at his voting record.

Third, if GOP decides that take-home is to turn even more right, then we will soon have one-party system, and that will be Very Bad.

What I hope take-home message going to be that shameless whoring to corporate interests and mindless populist obstructionism could get punished by voters. That this upset is anti-Congress vote and not yet another hard right shift.

What I intellectually know take home message going to be is fear that would result in more obstructionism, more grandstanding, and even less effective government.

You should break out of the left-right dichotomy. Really. I'm being serious here.

Its kind of funny though seeing the MSM jumping all over this guy, been seeing lots of misrepresentations. But this is what happens when an outsider primaries a member of the Ultra Corrupt Political Class.

Just the other day you were agreeing that Cantor was one of the guys who should be impeached, particularly over the NSA issue. So an anti-NSA guy primaries him and you can just talk about it through prism of left-right "obstruction" politics?

Cmon man.

Also, this shows that money isnt everything.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)