Well, we all know how warped your sense of "sane" is so this comes as no surprise. Kind of interesting how it changes based on the current leftist media memes as well.

When Freidersdorf pointed out in his article that Rand Paul actually was pretty sane and did not fit the mold some left wingers tried to pidgeonhole him into you seemed to be in agreement.

But now that the biggest benefactors of govt looting have funded a smear campaign against anyone who might stand in their way over a govt slowdown (wasnt a shutdown only about 15% of FedGov shut down) its "omgfg... theyreeee innnsaannneeeeeeee !!!1!one!1"

And thusly, I lulz.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)