Originally Posted By: sinij
For the record, I am not looking forward to going back to more contentious style of debate we had earlier. I am trying to be as civil as humanly possible in a political debate. I will appreciate if you could extend me the same courtesy.

I now see what Derid is saying, at a glance it is coherent argument. Derid, what do you think going to happen if Democrats come out with a democratic budget proposal originated in Senate? I think very much the same process that happened with Affordable Healthcare Act - filibustering and grandstanding. 'Obamacare' as we know it today is largely republican legislature that was passed by democrats trying to reach bipartisan compromise. Do you think ideal democratic legislature would have been anything short of single-payer? Why do you think Dem-proposed budget, that _has to have_ a lot of bitter pills in it in order to balance, would turn any different? Bitter pills like tax hikes on middle class and social program cuts that are at this point are unavoidable. Plus, shouldn't GOP own up to Bush's crazy spending years and pick up political cost check?

Maybe they would, maybe they wouldnt. My point is that instead of giving them the opportunity to do so, or to not do so - the Dems have seized on the media meme of some years back painting the GOP as obstructionist and ensured that nothing can happen either way. The epitome of passive-aggressive politics.

Rhetorical grandstanding is a mainstay of both parties. Who knows what would happen today, years later, if the Dems were willing to deal? Maybe you are right and the GOP would not, maybe you aren't -honestly we will never know. I am not trying to say the GOP is awesome, but rather am pointing out that the media perception being floated is just that - a perception, and not one particularly reflective of reality.

As far as picking up the political tab for Bush spending... well, did not that happen in 08? Isnt that how we got Obama and Obamacare in the first place? If The Dems had made any effort to help the situation when they had total control, then I would be temped to agree with you. However the debts have accumulated even faster under Obama than under Bush. Obama has basically been Bush++ in most regards , not just spending. I find it hard to keep wanting to stick the GOP as a whole with the political bill when the Dems have embraced and expanded upon the same policies that got us here.

Now, if we were to get more granular and target specific Bush loving politicians during their re-election then I am all for that. Few things make me happier than seeing a Bush-flunky congresscritter get ousted during a primary by a Tea Party or Liberty candidate, even if the Dems go on to win the seat.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)