I will dig up a few more later when I have time to go look at the bill tracking websites to make sure I get the bills right, but for now -

Audit the Fed
Audit the Fed
Audit the Fed

Oh, and wheres the Dem budget proposal? Heaven forbid something might pass and Obama would have to take a public stance on something specific before an election.

Besides, I think gridlock is typically a GOOD thing. Name one good thing that has come out of either party controlling both branches of Govt, under Reagan, Clinton, Bush or Obama.

I think this guy http://youtu.be/8Gck0A41e-A sums it up pretty well, if you have time to listen. ( its a youtube clip from a radio show)

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)