When Reid agrees to bring GOP/bipartisan legislation to an actual vote, I will blame the GOP for filibustering in retaliation.

Sorry, the whole "its them not me" is all perception politics. Its both of them, and to an equal degree because neither party leadership actually gives the slightest shit about anyone or anything other than power. Actually the Dems right *now* are far far worse, Reid wont bring the Fed audit to a vote. ("now" being a month to month thing, they are both "bad") Even though in the past he was all for auditing the Fed. Just one more demonstration of how the Dems simply will stop a popular bipartisan bill by not putting it to a vote, yet cry foul in a loud whiny voice when the GOP filibusters... and the MSM laps it up.

The Dems have completely taken a "my way of the highway* approach. They just dont let something be vote on in the Senate if they dont like it. The media doesn't report on it very often. Liberal leaning media does not report on it at all.... and simply reports on how the GOP is obstructionist. Dems pulled a neat trick with this whole issue.. but trust me it is just a trick.

The Dem Senate hasn't even produced a budget for years. Yes, years. Why not? Because if they did the GOP House could amend it and Reid would not be able to stop it from coming to a vote , or filibuster and the GOP could pass it via reconciliation if they grabbed a couple of moderate Senate Dem votes - the same method used to pass Obamacare. Basically the Dems are so frightened of the GOP using their weapon against them to actually put legislation in front of Obama that Obama would then have to publicly sign or not sign, they dont allow anything to happen or come to a vote if Reid isnt behind it or it is not part of some horse-trade with Boehner.

About the budget ^

For them to behave in that fashion, then turn around and make it look like the GOP is all at fault, and that a handful of GOP congresspeople/senators who actually have a backbone enough to do what they told their constituents they would do in Washington - ie, not expand govt - is nothing more than petty party politics.

Also... you forget to mention that if Romney were to win, that business investment and job recovery would come rushing back, because it is Obama (regulates to help his friends, under the false flag of progress) who makes them uncertain.

Additionally, some people think that the looming "fiscal cliff" is good for us in the long term. I am not so certain, because I do not want my taxes to go up and would rather see slashed spending to a larger degree. However, either way.. this whole debacle is the result of Obama/Reid trying their darndest to use their positions to carefully frame the GOP in a specific light. They have been pretty successful with it.

( And before you mention it, yes I realize that the GOP has their own cheerleading media sections... and I also think that they pull the same stunts when they can. The Dems simply have the positions right now to manage it.)

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)