Depends, what you put there is not incorrect - but anyone can propose a budget resolution. Senate or President will often create a budget proposal/budget resolution. This is non-binding but it provides both a working template for the House to start with and a public statement of the vision of what the budget should actually be.

Senate has :

1) not allowed debate/amendments to be considered on budgets that arrive from the House. This means no attempt to improve the budget has been made. No budget passed because the typical give and take that occurs in the Senate amendment/debate process has not been occurring due to Reid not allowing it to occur. Nothing amended, nothing passed, nothing sent back the House or the President.

2) Not offered its own budget resolution, which would basically outline to the House exactly what type of budget the Senate would pass. It would also provide to the public exactly what the intent and positions of the Senate majority is. If the Dems passed a budget resolution, it is nonbinding as a budget of course - but then a public debate on the merits or lack thereof of the Dem plan could take place... instead of the Dems just sitting back and offering zero solutions of their own and complaining how bad the GOP budgets are.

3) No Senate Democrat has voted in favor of a single budget resolution in over 3 years. Seriously.


What, are they waiting for the GOP to adopt/introduce Dem ideas on their own. "Well if the Dems wont do anything, I guess we will have to propose the things the Dems would usually propose/amend during the process... and go on record as the introducer of these leftist positions, instead of having the Dems propose/amend them like in a normal legislature where then a compromise occurs and my political opponent next election cant paint me as a supporter of said proposal." Which is exactly what game the Dems are playing... instead of the typical game of compromise and amendment football, the Dems are trying to force the GOP to introduce the legislation the Dems want so the GOP not the Dems get to take the fall in election season for introducing it. This is all new, and all Dem.

Typically what happens in a healthy (relatively speaking) Congress, is both sides have budget resolutions and/or amendments.. and once its on paper then they work at forming a compromise of some sort. The Dems wont even put forth an alternative plan to compare and compromise against, or allow debate/amendments on the GOP proposals. The GOP has to do exactly as the Dems want, and take all the political exposure for it or the Dems will do NOTHING. Which is why I said its "The Dem way or the Highway" earlier.. and was 100% correct.

Seriously, you think it is OK that the Dems have not offered a single solution and not proposed anything at all in years..? They are party in power I remind you, holding the President + Senate... and the only thing they do is poopoo anything the GOP does while making no serious effort at debate or amendment and offering absolutely nothing of their own.

And the GOP is the extremist party? When all the Dems do is say how bad the GOP is?

It must be nice to just sit back and snipe at the proposals of others, while offering absolutely nothing, not even a contrasting vision or basis of compromise... and have the media go on and on all day about how extremist the other guy is.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)