I got a lot to say ..but only going to hit on a few topics..

The only way to defeat someone (or be defeated) is to bring them to the point of failure cascade (implosion basically). Obviously CC is on that tipping point..but the question is how can we reverse that direction?

First Point.. KGB as a whole needs to reevaluate our mentality. Right now we operate as "Player first, Guild second"..this needs to change very soon to "Guild first, Player second". The biggest example of this is the blood wall which is both a boon and a curse. Arguably the guild as a whole gains nothing when players bang on each other for hours instead of participating in guild objectives(building the war machine,etc).

Second Point..We NEED clear and stated weekly or even daily guild objectives. Even if that objective is to just go out and mine because the guild needs battle equipment..at least people know what needs to be done when they login and not just bang on the blood wall. If people don't read the forums for the objectives then they need to be kicked from the guild. If we as a guild can focus all of our attention on a single target,objective,etc... others don't stand a chance.

Third Point..We need to collectively build our War Machine...and do it fast. Two or three people can't do this all alone. KGB leadership has done one hell of a job keeping this guild competitive..but we all need to help out. Every person in this guild should have at least 2 go bags (for city defense/offense) of banded quality. I wish we could all take a socialist approach and donate time/resources to help each member in that objective..because in the end its only going to help you(if your serious about KGB in DF). The recent changes to the city nodes has made them in no way viable to support the entire guild with battle gear..we all need to help out.

As an example tonight when I login I am going to make it a priority to give as much as I can to help the guild's warmachine and battle equipment stock.