Sin is pulling a lot of strings behind the scenes with TM/RN and Afghan/SB in general. I am not going to go into detail here, but needless to say Sin and Seth are hard at work plotting our demise. Don't forget those whack ass posers in Winterblades would like nothing more then to crow about how they had a hand in KGB's downfall.

They are playing the same game in essence that the Carinbear alliance is playing. Turn the server against us so they were under attack from all sides. Then aid in that attack by action or non action. Then wait and bide your time, when we are at our weakest they will be the mechanism to break our backs.

In general, once were good and engaged on multiple fronts with multiple sieges/raids in progress and were getting our poop pushed in, that is when they drop their siege or roll in with cannons and try to kill off us completely.

And trust me, as soon as they think they have beaten us. It won't be "Hey we beat CotC!" it will be "Hey we beat AC and KGB!" Don't forget that shit if don't think the next several weeks are going to be important.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!